RevEngE is a dish served cold!

Marcus’ RevEngE against malware! This week SECRET arrived in Vienna to participate of the Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium 2019 (ROOTS). Marcus discussed challenges and pitfalls of decompiling malicious samples and presented RevEnge, the Reverse Engineering Engine. RevEngE is a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) tool to the debug-oriented decompilation approached that we Read more…


SBSEG promoted a tools exhibition event during the event. Marcus Botacin, representing SECRET, presented RevEngE, the Reverse Engineering Engine. RevEngE is a prototype of a malware decompilator aimed to assist analysts to debug malware executions. You can find all details on github.

Segurança Bancária no Brasil

Uma das missões do SECRET é responder ao investimento da sociedade através de estudos que possam impactar de forma concreta nas vidas das pessoas. Em nossa recente pesquisa, avaliamos a segurança dos apps bancários da plataforma Android, utilizados por milhões de brasileiros. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma perspectiva histórica, cobrindo desde Read more…